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Voter Qualifications and Registration

Voter Qualifications and Registration
What is a Poll Worker?
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Campaign Finance Reporting
Campaign Finance Reporting
A Poll Worker, one of the many mechanisms necessary for a successful election, is a citizen hired or volunteering to work the polls on Election Day abiding by rules and regulations set forth governing elections.
Voter Qualifications and Registration
If you meet the following qualifications, you may register to vote:
A citizen of the United States
A legal resident of Georgia and the county in which you wish to vote
At least 18 year of age by election day
You may not register to vote if you are currently:
Serving any sentence imposed by the conviction of a felony
Judicially determined to be mentally incompetent
You may register to vote at any time, but you must be registered by the fifth Monday prior to an election if you wish to vote on Election Day. The application must be postmarked by the voter registration deadline.
Registering to Vote
Obtaining a Voter Registration Application
Download, print, fill out, and sign a postage-paid voter registration application by visiting the Secretary of State’s website at: http://mvp.sos.ga.gpv/mvp.do
Contact the Oglethorpe County Board of Elections and Registration Office (BOER), 41 Fairground Road Lexington, GA (706) 743-8954 M-F from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Oglethorpe County Library
Department of Family and Children Services (DFACS)
Any military recruitment office
Oglethorpe County High School
Utilize "Motor Voter" registration that is offered when you renew or apply for your driver's license or identification card at the Department of Driver Services, 1505 Highway 29 North, Athens, Georgia
College student may obtain a voter registration application from their school registrar's office or the office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
Online applications are now available at www.sos.ga.gov
Mobile Apps also available through your app store "GA Votes"
Mail your completed voter registration application to:
Board of Elections and Registration
P.O. Box 190, Lexington, GA 30648
Or deliver it to the BOER Office, 41 Fairground Road Lexington, GA 30648
Once your application has been approved, your precinct card will be mailed to you.
Precinct Cards
Precinct cards are not required to vote, but are simply an informational tool to inform voters of their polling location and the districts for which they are eligible to cast their ballot. Voters who do not receive a card within two or three weeks following the filing of a Voter Registration Application are encouraged to verify their voting information by visiting http://mvp.sos.ga.gov/mvp.do on the Secretary of State’s website, or contact the BOER to request a new precinct card or to check the status of your application. Voters may also visit www.sos.ga.gov/elections on the Secretary of State’s website to see a copy of their voter specific ballot.
If you have misplaced your precinct card please contact the BOER for a replacement.
Voting at Your Precinct
When you arrive at your precinct, you need to complete a voter's certificate, which asks for your name and residence address. You will then present the certificate and proper identification to the poll official who will verify that you are a registered voter in that precinct by checking the voters list for that precinct.
Proper identification shall consist of any one of the following:
A Georgia driver's license, even if expired;
Any valid state or federal government-issued photo ID, including a FREE Voter ID card issued by the county registrar's office of the Department of Driver Services (DDS);
A valid United States passport;
A valid employee photo identification card containing photo of elector and issued by any branch, department, agency, or entity of the United States government, Georgia, or any county, municipality, board, authority, or other entity of this state;
A valid United States military identification card, provided that such identification card contains a photograph of the elector; or
A valid tribal photo identification card containing a photograph of the elector.
NOTE: Persons voting by mail do not need to provide a photo ID, provided proper identification was submitted at time of registration. The photo ID rules only apply to in-person voting by:
advance voting
voting at a precinct
FREE Georgia Voter Identification Card
Oglethorpe County registered voters who do not have one of the six (6) state approved identification cards for voting, may obtain a free Georgia photo identification card from:
the Department of Driver Services, 1505 Highway 29 North, Athens, Georgia
the BOER Office, 41 Fairground Rd Lexington, Georgia
In order to get a FREE Georgia Voter Identification Card, a voter will need to provide the following:
A photo identity document, or a non-photo identity document (must include voter's full legal name and date of birth)
Documentation showing voter's date of birth
Evidence that voter is registered to vote in Georgia
Documentation showing voter's name and residential address.
The free Georgia Voter Identification Card is to be used for voting purposes only.
Voters who do not have any of the forms of identification listed, may vote a provisional ballot upon swearing or affirming that the voter is the person identified in the elector's voter certificate. Such provisional ballot shall only be counted if the BOER is able to verify current and valid identification of the voter within three days following a primary or election.
For additional information, please visit the Secretary of State's web site at www.sos.ga.gov/elections or call the Elections Division at (404) 656-2871.