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Announcement - October 1, 2018

ROAD WORK - Smithonia Road - A repaving project is underway on Smithonia Road from the Beaverdam Fire department to the Winterville city limits. Motorist can avoid  traffic delays by using Hargrove Lake Road as an alternate. We expect the paving portion of this project to be complete by the end of the week, with the striping to be scheduled soon afterward.

There is no formal list for paving of dirt roads. Due to the low tax base and minimal sales tax, it difficult to resurface the existing paved roads on the “recommended” frequency, much less pave new roads. However, through in-house paving as well as some paving project by our neighbors in Madison and Elbert counties, we have been able to improve the amount of pavement resurfacing of our roads. The decision to resurface a road is dependent on traffic volume and conditions of the road.

Contact Information

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 261
Lexington, GA 30648


Physical Address:

882 Athens Rd
Crawford, GA 30630



(706) 743-5270


Hours of Operation:

Monday thru Friday: 8:00 am - 4:45 pm 




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E-Verify ID: 255650 Authorized 9/22/2009



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