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Registering to Vote

To register to vote, you must first fill out a voter registration application. The deadline to register to vote in an election in Georgia is the fifth Monday prior to the election. Voters with disabilities can receive assistance to complete the voter registration application. The person providing assistance must sign the oath continued on the voter registration application next to the signature of the applicant. There are several easy ways for Georgians to register to vote:

Download, print, fill out, and sign a voter registration application from the Secretary of State’s website at:


Contact the Oglethorpe County Board of Elections and Registration Office (BOER), Oglethorpe County Library, Department of Family and Children Services (DFACS), military recruitment office, Oglethorpe County High School, or other government offices for a mail-in voter registration application.


Utilize "Motor Voter" registration that is offered when you renew or apply for your driver's license or identification card at the Department of Driver Services.


College students can obtain Georgia voter registration applications or the forms to register in any state in the U.S. from their school registrar's office or the office of the Vice President of Academic Affairs.


If you are uncertain of your registration status, you may confirm your registration status through the Secretary of State's website at: or you may contact the BOER Office.  You may also contact the Secretary of State’s office at 404-656-2871 or (V/TTY) 656-1787 for additional assistance.

Voting at the Polling Place

Georgia law requires all polling places to be fully accessible and equipped with poll workers that are trained to take care of the needs of all voters. On Election Day, polling places in Georgia are open from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. If you are 75 years of age or older or have a disability and you show up at the polling place between 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., you will not be required to wait in line. Such voters should tell a poll officer if he or she wants to move to the front of the line. For information on the accessibility of your polling place, please contact the BOER Office. You may contact the Secretary of State’s office: phone 404-656-2871 or (V/TTY) 656-1787 for additional assistance.

In Person Voting Assistance

A voter who is unable to sign his or her name, unable to see or mark the ballot, operate the voting equipment, or enter the voting booth without assistance, can receive assistance voting. The individual assisting a voter with a disability must record his or her name on the disabled elector’s voter certificate. In federal elections, a voter with a disability can receive assistance from any individual EXCEPT his or her employer, representative of his or her employer, or a representative of his or her union. In all other elections, a voter with a disability can receive assistance from any voter, EXCEPT a poll worker or poll watcher who is a resident of the precinct in which the voter requiring assistance is attempting to vote; or, a voter with a disability can receive assistance from his or her mother, father, sister, brother, spouse, or child.

In Person Voting Assistive Voting Devices

Voters with disabilities have the option of using an accessible touch screen voting unit designed to assist with the goal of voting independently and privately. These accessible voting units provide several different ways for voters to cast a ballot. An audio ballot is available for voters who are visually impaired or blind. With the audio ballot, voters are given headphones and a number keypad. A voter hears candidates’ names and questions through the headphones, and then the voter responds to prompts by touching the keypad similar to an automated phone service. In addition, a magnifying feature is available on every touch screen voting unit that allows the voter to magnify the print on the ballot. Additionally, every polling place in Georgia is required to maintain a magnifying glass for use by visually impaired voters. Audio assistance for Visually Impaired voters

Vote by Mail before Election Day

Any voter can request a mail-in ballot.  No excuse is needed. Simply fill out the application to request an official mail-in ballot. Then, mail or drop off the application at the Oglethorpe County Board of Elections and Registration Office.  We urge you to request your mail-in ballot and get it back to the Board of Elections and Registration Office as soon as possible.  Mail-in ballots must be received by the Board of Elections and Registration no later than close of the polls on Election Day.  A voter who has a disability or cannot read and write may get help when filling out the mail-in ballot application and the official absentee/advance ballot.  No matter how the ballot arrives, a voter with a physical disability may get help marking his or her ballot.  The person helping the voter must sign an oath that is either printed on the mail-in ballot envelope or on the application for mail-in ballot, whichever is applicable.

Early and Advance Voting

Georgia gives you the chance to vote in person before Election Day without having to provide a reason. Early/Advance voting is easy and convenient. It allows you to vote on a day and time that is convenient for you. Please contact the BOER Office for early/advance voting site locations and hours.  You may contact the Secretary of State’s office: phone 404-656-2871 or (V/TTY) 656-1787 for additional assistance.

Photo ID Requirements

A photo ID is required to vote in person.  Acceptable forms of identification are:


  • A Georgia driver’s license, even if expired.

  • Any valid state or federal issued photo ID, including a free Voter ID Card issued by your county registrar’s office or by the Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS).

  • Valid U.S. passport.

  • Valid employee photo ID from any branch, department, agency, or entity of the U. S. Government, Georgia, or any county, municipality, board, authority or other entity of this state.

  • Valid U.S. military photo ID.

  • Valid tribal photo ID.




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